Title: Lead my spirit home Summary: If the villains could disturb the final rest of Steve Rogers, Captain America and a national icon, it was probably too much to hope that they would leave his best friend alone. A supernatural take on Captain America and the Winter Soldier. Content notes: Warnings for magic and necromancy.
Title: At World's End Summary: A cultist predicted the world's governments and economies would fail on 30 June 2012, and that he and his followers would undergo a transformation that would allow them to fly and walk through walls. No really Content notes: No archive warnings
Title: Every Me and Every You Summary: Natasha knows what it's like to know another person completely. Content notes: Warnings for mentions of imprisonment, torture, mind control, identity crisises
Title: You don't have to (but I don't mind if you do) Summary: Three kisses that Mako Mori and Raleigh Becket did not share, and one they did Content notes: Warning for a badly named Jaeger, you know the one
Title: Bless the little queens Summary: All Ranka and Sheryl need is the power of song and the Drift to defeat the Kaiju Content notes: No archive warnings, crossover between Pacific Rim and Macross Frontier
Title: One Girl Revolution Summary: The fate of the first Jaeger test pilot is a good reason why you shouldn't drift alone. Mako doesn't care. Content notes: Warning for the Jaeger name